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Wine tours in Verdú | 4Vides

Wine tours in Verdú

Wineries near Verdú

Wine tours in Verdú

Born in 2003 in the Riu Corb valley, they use Californian winemaking techniques and have incorporated international varieties such as Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Chardonnay.

Born in 2003 in the Riu Corb valley, they use Californian winemaking techniques and have incorporated international varieties such as Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Chardonnay.

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Winery info

Winery located in the ancient village of Verdú, highly recommended for architecture lovers because of its curvilinear clay-colored design.

Winery located in the ancient village of Verdú, highly recommended for architecture lovers because of its curvilinear clay-colored design.

Outstanding wineries in Lérida

In the area of Les Garrigues, the Pons family creates, in a sustainable way, wines, oils and vinegars used by chefs from all over the world.

Visits from: 15€

Own philosophy, precision oenology.

Visits from: 15€

Young winery founded in 2006 in the Corb Valley. Among their wine services, they offer as an outdoor activity a breakfast among the vineyards.

Visits from: 6€

Picnic in the vineyard and two different types of vertical tastings.

Visits from: 5€